HPC and Exascale for the SKA Telescope

Note: we apologize for the audio issues in the second half of this presentation. We had to build this edit from a backup audio source.

In this video from the 2014 HPCAC Stanford HPC & Exascale Conference, Bill Boas from Cray presents: HPC and Exascale for the SKA Telescope.

The SKA Telescope project entered its pre-construction design and engineering planning phase on December 1, 2013. Once fully constructed a decade from now, there will be 2500 dish antennae in South Africa and 100s of thousands of di-pole antennae in Western Australia, combining to create the world’s largest radio telescope and requiring the most data ever captured, processed, and archived that man has ever conceived. The unprecedented sensitivity of these thousands of individual radio receivers will give astronomers insight into the formation of the first stars and galaxies after the Big Bang, the role of cosmic magnetism, the nature of gravity, and possibly even life beyond Earth. This talk will overview the organization, the science, the infrastructure, the data handling, storage, distribution, and computing requirements being planned by the project office and international consortia formed for this phase.”

Download the slides (PDF) * See more talks at the Stanford HPC Conference Video Gallery