ISC’14 in Leipzig Responds to Feedback, Upgrades Air-Conditioning and WIFI

ISC_Logo_txt_MitteLast year when ISC moved to Leipzig, many were looking forward to visiting a new city with a rich heritage (the world’s first trade fairs were held there starting in 1797). Unfortunately, a heat wave hit the city that week and the aging infrastructure at the convention center was simply not up to the task. In other words, it was uncomfortably hot and the WIFI was unusable.

The good news is that the good folks from ISC heard you and they have upgraded the air conditioning and networking at the facility. They’ve published an interview with Mr. André Kaldenhoff, Executive Director of the Leipzig Congress Center (CCL), about the refurbishment efforts to improve the experience of attendees and exhibitors at ISC’14.

For the upcoming ISC, the rooms will be adequately air-conditioned. To this end, we have rebuilt the entire air-conditioning system in the CCL. New units were installed in 14 rooms, and the capacity of the air-conditioning system was increased significantly. Furthermore we also improved the media infrastructure.

imagesAt insideHPC, we are really looking forward to returning to Leipzig. The city center has great charm and we believe that this year will again be the great experience we’ve come to expect from the International Supercomputing Conference.

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