NREL’s Peregrine: HP’s Warm Water Cooled HPC Platform

In this video from the Adaptive Computing booth at SC13, Nicholas Dube from HP presents: NREL’s Peregrine: HP’s Warm Water Cooled HPC Platform.

The data center is designed to achieve an annualized average power usage effectiveness (PUE) rating of 1.06 or better. Going beyond traditional PUE measurements (if such a thing can be said of PUE), the NREL HPC Data Center is using warm-water liquid cooling for its high-power computer components, then capturing and reusing that waste heat as the primary heat source in the ESIF offices and laboratory space, and to condition ventilation make up air. These technologies substantially reduce the amount of energy used by the entire building, saving energy and money in new and effective ways.

See more talks at the Adaptive Computing SC13 Video Gallery.

moabcon2014-logoIn related news, registration is now open for MoabCon 2014, which takes place in March 31-April 3 in Park City, Utah.