Simplifying HPC for Everyone

Frédéric Desprez

Frédéric Desprez

Over at the ISC Blog, Frédéric Desprez from Inria writes that HPC users need a consistent, unified interface to HPC resources if they are to achieve the goals of optimized usage and cost.

The complexity and great variety of distributed platforms (clusters, Clouds, supercomputers, multicore workstations, grids) make it hard, sometimes even impossible, for HPC users to work efficiently. These users almost always look for simplicity over performance. When using computing/simulation applications with huge computing power and storage requirements, researchers and engineers need to know not only the characteristics of their application (and sometimes even of its parallelization), but also details about the machine they can use. These details can be static (characteristics of the nodes, memory, network, storage, etc.) or dynamic (availability, load).

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