Peter B. Littlewood Named Director of Argonne National Lab

Littlewood-3This week Argonne National Lab announced that Peter B. Littlewood from the University of Chicago has been selected to serve as Argonne’s 13th director.

Peter has an international reputation as an accomplished scientist, and a record of strong leadership in guiding scientific organizations,” said University of Chicago President Robert J. Zimmer. “We look forward to working with him to advance Argonne and its partnerships, which are addressing some of the most important scientific challenges of our time.”

Scientists at Argonne are also leading an HPC effort that has set a goal of building the world’s first exascale computer, capable of one million trillion operations per second. Argonne is also home to the Joint Center for Energy Storage and Research, designated in 2013 as the DOE’s Batteries and Energy Storage Hub, a $120 million five-year effort ­to create transformative new battery systems for transportation and the grid.

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