Piz Daint – Europe’s Most Powerfull Supercomputer Cleared for Users

ebb3f770ceToday CSCS inaugurated the Piz Daint supercomputer in Lugano, Switzerland. As part of the the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre, Piz Daint is currently the most powerful computer in Europe.

Although “Piz Daint” has already been at CSCS for around a year, it was only thanks to an upgrade from twelve computer cabinets to twenty-­eight and a hybrid expansion with graphics processors (GPU), which were available in the autumn, that “Piz Daint” finally broke the petaflop barrier targeted by the strategy in October. It even reaches a theoretical peak performance of 7.8 petaflops. With around 3.2 billion computer operations (3.2 gigaflops) per watt, the combination of GPUs and conventional processors (CPUs) also makes “Piz Daint” one of the world’s most energy-­efficient supercomputers in the petaflop performance class.”

Scientists from all disciplines can apply for computer time on Piz Daint every six months. For large-­‐scale, ‘state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐art’ projects that are expected to have a high scientific impact, however, there is an annual application deadline. The computer time is allocated by an independent committee of specialists.

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