Xyratex Update from LUG 2014

In this video from LUG 2014, Michael Connolly and Peter Bojanic from Xyratex/Seagatex present: Xyratex Update (Lustre acquisition, futures, etc.).

LUG 2014 was wildly successful on many different levels,” said Galen Shipman, Chairman of OpenSFS. “Highest attendance ever, deep technical presentations and discussions, great community involvement. We owe many thanks to everyone involved, participants and organizers. We wanted to send out a special thank you to Seagate for showing such a strong commitment to Lustre. Their announcement at LUG – intent to transfer ownership of lustre.org to the community – is great news. I think it’s truly in the spirit of the Lustre community to make sure that lustre.org is owned and run by the community. This move shows a savvy understanding of how the Lustre open source community functions. By strengthening the community Seagate is strengthening the market and their business. Open source communities win when companies realize that their success is indelibly linked to the community. Seagate has recently renewed their OpenSFS membership at the Promoter level which includes a board seat and deep involvement with OpenSFS on all levels. They continue to show their excitement and commitment to Lustre with concrete moves like this. This is a very positive step forward.”


Download the slides (PDF) * See more talks from LUG 2014