The 20 Years of Beowulf Workshop has issued its Call for Papers. Held in honor of Thomas Sterling’s 65th Birthday, the event will take place October 13-14 in Annapolis, Maryland.
The 20 Years of Beowulf workshop will mark the 20th anniversary of the introduction of commodity (AKA Beowulf) clusters, an architectural approach to creating parallel computers using entirely commodity components and open source system software. The initial target of the Beowulf cluster project was inexpensive, small to moderate parallel computing platforms. The Beowulf approach was extremely successful and adopted worldwide by teams ranging from high-school students to senior scientists. The Beowulf approach is now the basis of most of the world’s most powerful computers.
The workshop will also celebrate the 65th birthday of Professor Thomas Sterling, the “Father of Beowulf.” As one of our Rock Stars of HPC, Professor Sterling has made major contributions to high-performance computing over his career (so far), including playing a key role in conceiving and implementing commodity cluster computing, petascale systems, HPC architectures, runtime systems, and exascale systems.
The 20 Years of Beowulf conference seeks papers describing significant research contributions to the field of High Performance Computing as well as addressing research challenges for HPC at the Exascale and beyond. We invite submissions on a wide range of HPC research, including, but not limited to:
- Innovative HPC architectures
- System software and runtime systems for exascale systems
- Software tools for exascale systems
- Component technology advances relevant to HPC, exascale systems, and beyond (e.g., superconducting logic, optical devices)
- Programming models for systems with extreme concurrency
- Leading-edge applications of extreme scale systems
Papers should not exceed 10 pages double column including figures, tables, and references in standard ACM format. Papers must be submitted electronically in printable pdf form via the EasyChair site for this workshop. Templates for the standard ACM format are available for download.
Both strict and alternate styles are acceptable for submission. No changes to margins, spacing, or font sizes are allowed from those specified by the style files. Papers violating the formatting guidelines will be returned without review.
Program Committee:
- Chair: Robert Lucas, University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute
- Larry Bergman, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- William Harrod, DOE
- Paul Messina, Argonne National Laboratory
- Paul Saylor, University of Illinois
- John West, DoD, HPCMOD
- Andrew Lumsdaine, Indiana University
Submissions will be submitted via the EasyChair system and reviewed by the program committee.
The paper submission online system is now open.
The authors of the best workshop papers, accepted and presented in this workshop, will be invited to submit properly extended and improved versions of their papers to a special issue in the JPDC.
Important Dates:
- Deadline for submissions is July 1, 2014.
- Notification: August 5, 2014
- Conference: October 13-14, 2014