Agenda Published for HPCAC Brazil Conference, May 26

2014_brazilThe HPC Advisory Council has published their agenda for the upcoming Brazil Conference 2014.

The HPC Advisory Council, together with University of São Paulo, will hold the HPC Advisory Council Brazil Conference 2014 on May 26, 2014, in São Paulo, Brazil. The conference will focus on High-Performance Computing (HPC) usage models and benefits, the future of supercomputing, latest technology developments, best practices and advanced HPC topics. The conference is open to the public and will bring together system managers, researchers, developers, computational scientists and industry affiliates.

Speakers include:

  • Alexandre Ramos, University of São Paulo
  • DK Panda, Ohio State University, USA
  • Rafael Mayo Gual, Universitat Jaume, Spain
  • Gilad Shainer, HPC Advisory Council
  • Arnaldo Tavares, NVIDIA
  • Álvaro Coutinho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Yuefan Deng, Stony Brook University, USA
  • Alexandre Ramos, University of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Diego Crupnicoff, Mellanox Technologies, USA
  • Adriano Partelini, University of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Luiz Monnerat, Petrobrás, Brazil

The event is free to attend. Register Now.

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