Video: Symmetry Insights for Supercomputer Network Topologies

Alexandre Ramos

Alexandre Ramos

In this video from the HPC Advisory Council Brazil Conference, Alexandre Ramos from the University of São Paulo, Brazil presents: Symmetry Insights for Supercomputer Network Topologies: Roots and Weights Lattices.

Alexandre Ferreira Ramos is an Assistant Professor at the University of São Paulo since 2010. He got his PhD on Theoretical Physics at the University of São Paulo (2008) and spent one year as a Post-doc at Stony Brook University (2009). He has experience on applications of group theoretical methods for the design of network topologies for supercomputers.

Alexandre was also our host this week for the first-ever HPCAC Brazil Conference in São Paulo. Great job, Alexandre!

Download the Slides (PDF) * See more talks in our HPCAC Brazil Conference Video Gallery