HPC500 Discusses IBM/Lenovo Deal

imagesAt the recent HPC500 members-only call, the discussion focused on IBM’s plans to sell its x86-based server lines and associated assets to Lenovo. Comprised exclusively of HPC influencers, the HPC500 is a group of industry leaders in High Performance Computing across government, academia and commercial organizations worldwide.

Upon completion of the IBM/Lenovo deal, Lenovo immediately becomes a major HPC system vendor — a unique position, given that the company currently has no representation in the HPC market,” said Chris Willard, of Intersect360 Research. According to Willard, after the deal is finalized IBM will still be an HPC vendor, but with a more specialized presence. Lenovo would need to acquire and retain two-thirds of IBM’s server revenue, without HP or Dell gaining, in order to become the number one-vendor in the HPC market.

According to the call’s participants, IBM is working to make the transition as smooth as possible. Most reported that they had little to no concern about the sale and transition, given IBM’s communication with the participants immediately following the announcement, answering any questions and concerns their customers might have and identifying who their contacts (sales reps, system engineers, etc.) would be after the sale.

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