Remote Viz in the Cloud: NICE DCV Test Drive now available on AWS

The NICE Software group has announced the availability of a new AWS Test Drive for NICE Desktop Cloud Visualization (DCV), based the graphics-accelerated G2 instances. The AWS Test Drive allows potential users to test the performance of NICE DCV using the high performance graphics provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS), preconfigured with sample 3D applications and models to run real life tests on the AWS Cloud.

NICE has worked with AWS to tune the performance of NICE DCV on G2 instances on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), allowing responsive and smooth interaction with highly visual graphical tools, that take advantage of Amazon EC2 hardware acceleration provided by NVIDIA Grid cards. The combination of G2 instances on Amzazon EC2 and NICE DCV uses the AWS Cloud to allow customers to run graphic intensive applications including CAD, Engineering, Geophysical, Medical or Scientific applications, enabling customers to move full High Performance Computing (HPC) processes and other highly demanding applications and workflows in the Cloud.

The new Test Drive is initially available on Windows AMIs. The Test Drive lab includes some sample 3D applications and demonstation using the latest DirectX and OpenGL libraries, to immediately experience how very demanding visual applications can perform in the Cloud. Testers need to download the accelerated DCV End-station, available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS/X systems. A Linux Test Drive will be added shortly, to demonstrate the G2 performance on this popular platform as well.

In related news, see our ISC’14 interview on Transtec Remote Visualization using NICE Software.

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