The PRACE Scientific and Industrial Conference 2014 wrapped up last week with the presentation of three awards for scientific and industrial excellence.
- The Award for Best Scientific Presentation went to Teodoro Laino of IBM Research – Zurich, Rüschlikon, Switzerland for his presentation entitled Shedding Light On Lithium/Air Batteries Using Millions of Threads On the BG/Q Supercomputer.
- The Award for Best Industrial Presentation was presented to Mathis Bode of RWTH Aachen University, Germany for his presentation entitled High fidelity multiphase simulations studying primary breakup.
- The Award for Best Poster was given to Kannan Masilamani of University Siegen, Germany for his poster entitled Simulating and Electrodialysis Desalination Process with HPC.
All of the Slides and Posters from PRACEdays14 are now available for download.
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