Student Team EPCC Sets Record with help from Boston & CoolIT


Today Boston Limited and CoolIT Systems sent out congratulations to the student team from EPCC at The University of Edinburgh for their 1st place ranking for the Highest LINPACK in the history of the ISC’14 Student Cluster Challenge. This achievement was made possible, in part, with a joint sponsorship by Boston and CoolIT.

The student team, led by Xu Guo made their first place mark by recording a score of 3.38 Tflops/kW with the system ranking at an estimated #4 on the Green500 list. It is the first time a team has broken the 10 Tflops barrier in under 3kW.

CoolIT is proud to have been a part of the success of the EPCC team,” said Geoff Lyon of CoolIT Systems. “Our partnership with Boston and the dedication of Xu Guo and her crew is what made the win possible.”

In related news, Team South Africa won the overall competition for the second straight year.


  1. Guo Xu is one classmate of mine, and I am very proud of her to have such a great achievement!