In this video from MoabCon 2014, Rob Clyde from Adaptive Computing describes how the company’s software helps their HPC customers accelerate insights.
Clyde also announces the winners of the Adaptie Awards, which honor specific individuals and organizations that continually push the technological envelope using Adaptive Computing software.
- Best Use of Moab in a Big Workflow Environment. As the leading global provider of high-resolution Earth imagery solutions, DigitalGlobe uses Moab to break down silos of isolated resources and increase maximum workflow capacity. Moab allows DigitalGlobe to operate at a global scale on a timeline its customers need and help decision makers better understand the planet in order to save lives, resources, and time.
- Best Use of Moab in an HPC Environment. Congratulations to The Blue Waters Project at NCSA! Scientists and engineers across the country use Blue Waters’ supercomputer—one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world and the fastest supercomputer on a university campus—to tackle a wide range of challenging problems, from predicting the behavior of complex biological systems to simulating the evolution of the cosmos.
Lifetime Achievement. Congratulations go out to Troy Baer, HPC system administrator at the National Institute for Computational Sciences (NICS), University of Tennessee. Troy Baer’s contributions in scheduling and resource management using Moab have helped Kraken—NICS’ flagship computing resource and the first academic computer to break the petaflop barrier—achieve outstanding 90-95% utilization rates since 2010. Baer’s administrative capabilities enable researchers in numerous scientific arenas, from climate to materials science to astrophysics, to achieve breakthroughs not yet possible on other resources. In November 2012, Baer helped NICS’ Beacon system secure a No. 1 ranking on the Green500 list of energy-efficient supercomputers.
See more talks from MoabCon 2014 on the Adaptive Computing YouTube Channel.
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