Video: Intel Unveils Knights Landing Details at ISC’14

In this video from ISC’14, Raj Hazra from Intel presents: Accelerating Insights… In the Technical Computing Transformation. In the course of the talk, he unveils details of the Knights Landing architecture including the new Omni Scale Fabric, an integrated, high performance interconnect designed for CPU to CPU communications.

A fundamental transition is taking place in Technical Computing, and it is cutting across the technology, the business models, and the market’s very structure. Ongoing increases in performance and decreases in costs are combining with new usages and new user access mechanisms to rapidly expand the “who, what, why and how” of Technical Computing. These changes are broadening and deepening the technological, economic, and social impacts of the technology at rates not previously seen in our industry. And these trends are only expected to accelerate—driven by a widening and voraciuous user demand for Technical Computing. But this future is not guaranteed. Significant barriers must be overcome. The industry ecosystem needs to work together to tackle challenges in system architecture, programming models, and energy efficiency – all while lowering the thresholds for broader user access and usability. In his presentation, Raj will explore this Technical Computing revolution, upcoming innovations from Intel that take aim at some of the key challenges, and the ecosystem collaborations needed to ensure Technical Computing as an ongoing tool for discovery and innovation.”

Download the Slides (PDF)

See our exclusive interview with Intel’s Barry Davis for more details on the Omni Scale Fabric.