It’s me again–Dr. Lewey Anton. I’ve been commissioned by insideHPC to get the scoop on who’s jumping ship and moving on up in high performance computing.
Here are the latest developments:
- Five researchers in Berkeley Lab’s Computational Research Division have been named Berkeley Institute for Data Science Fellows: Deb Agarwal, Wes Bethel, Peter Nugent, James Sethian, and Daniela Ushizima will contribute their extensive expertise in data science approaches to advise about BIDS initiatives.
- Cray CTO William C. Blake is leaving the company and is reportedly headed to a Startup.
- Hari Cadambi, formerly of NEC Labs, is now a senior engineer at Google.
- Tim Carroll has moved on from Dell and is now Vice President of Business Development at Cycle Computing.
- Dean Fairchild has left LSI and is now a Business Development Manager at EMC.
- Rob Futrick has moved up at Cycle Computing to become their CTO.
- Arvind Parthasarathi is leaving his post at Cray’s YarcData Division. The company is reportedly reorganizing into a single business unit.
- Vadapalli Ravi has a new job as Associate Site Director at Texas Tech University.
- Chris Shea is now Vice President of Business Development at Mellanox.
- William Wallace, formerly from insideHPC, is now an Account Executive at Manifest Insights.
Have you moved or know of HPC folks in new positions? Let us know by sending an email to: