IDC Publishes Agenda for September HPC User Forum in Seattle

HPC User ForumIDC has published the agenda for their next HPC User Forum. The event will take place Sept. 15-17 in Seattle.

The HPC User Forum was established in 1999 to promote the health of the global HPC industry and address issues of common concern to users. The organization has grown to 150 members. It is directed by a volunteer Steering Committee of users from government, industry and academia, and operated for the users by market analyst firm IDC.

Speakers include:

  • John Feo, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Amit Vij and Nima Neghaban, GIS Federal
  • Shane Corder, Children’s Mercy Hospital & Clinics
  • Arno Kolster and Ryan Quick, PayPal
  • Jack Collins, National Cancer Institute
  • Stephen Bique, Naval Research Laboratory
  • Doug Kothe, ORNL
  • Igor Bolotnov, North Carolina State University
  • Steven Hammond, NREL
  • Rob Leland, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Fred Murrell, Procter & Gamble
  • Michael Resch, HLRS/University of Stuttgart
  • Jay Srinivasan, NERSC
  • Jon Summers, University of Leeds
  • Manuel Vigil, Los Alamos National Laboratory

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