Today Intel launched Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015, the latest release of its developer toolkit for HPC and technical computing applications. The latest version includes first-to-market explicit vector programming capabilities which enable developers to optimize processing cycles through concurrent operations on Intel Xeon processors and Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors.
Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 also supports new standards including OpenMP 4.0 that delivers unprecedented vectorization support to developers. The updated release also gives developers comprehensive optimization reports that provide deep insights on code performance.
Faster Code
- Explicit vector programming speeds more code
- Optimizations for Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor, Skylake and Broadwell microarchitectures
- MPI library now supports latest MPI-3 standard
- Faster processing of small matrixes
- Parallel direct sparse solvers for clusters
Code Faster
- Comprehensive compiler optimization reports
- Analyze Windows or Linux profile data on a Mac
Latest standards support
- MPI-3,OpenMP4,FullC++11andFortran2003
For more information or to download Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015, visit the Intel Developer Zone.