Asetek RackCDU Liquid Cooling Wins Frost & Sullivan Award

asetekToday Asetek announced that the company’s RackCDU has been recognized with the 2014 Global Frost & Sullivan Award for New Product Innovation Leadership. As warm water, server-level, direct-to-chip, liquid cooling system for servers, RackCDU is a ground-breaking solution that reduces the energy required for the cooling of data center IT equipment by 60–80 percent and total data center energy consumption by 30 percent.

We are honored to be recognized by a first tier analyst firm such as Frost & Sullivan. The award validates our ability to address the everyday needs of the data center industry and the cooling problems it faces,” said André Sloth Eriksen, Founder and CEO of Asetek.

Asetek has changed the perception of liquid cooling as being expensive and complex. Asetek’s RackCDU is a simple, efficient and reliable cooling system for all types of data centers (large and small, supercomputing and enterprise). Asetek’s understanding of how data centers operate in the real world has led to RackCDU being easy to install and use.

Asetek’s strategy of leveraging an industry-standardized solution at a much lower cost and providing a compelling return-on-investment (ROI), is in stark contrast to previous liquid-cooling solutions’ approach of only appealing to data centers that valued performance over cost savings. Asetek’s payback period of less than 12 months has made it a popular choice in all types of data centers.

Asetek´s RackCDU can be installed in existing or new data centers with minimal impact on infrastructure or operations, and almost completely eliminate specialized training of data center staff,” said Frost & Sullivan Senior Industry Analyst Gautham Gnanajothi. “This combination has resonated with end users, most of whom had not considered liquid-cooling until now.”

According to Frost & Sullivan’s report, the success of Asetek’s products is primarily the result of its efforts to create awareness, demand and differentiation in previously non-existent markets.

Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents this award to a company that has developed an innovative element in a product by leveraging leading-edge technologies. The award recognizes the value added features/benefits of the product and the increased ROI it offers customers, which in turn increases customer adaption and overall market penetration potential.

In addition to the award, Frost & Sullivan has released a research report on Asetek’s RackCDU.