A Productivity Mindset: How the Cloud is Changing HPC

Michael Resch, HLRS

Michael Resch, HLRS

Over at Science Grid This Week, Michael Resch from HLRS in Stuttgart discusses his upcoming ISC Cloud’14 keynote and why he has changed his mind about the Cloud and HPC.

I was rather skeptical about ‘the cloud’ when it first came up. To me, it looked very much like yet another buzzword. However, over recent years I have seen industry and academia alike put some flesh on the bones and there are a variety of activities going on that deserve our support. Pressure from the commercial side, particularly from cloud providers like Amazon that can compete with large national centers, has forced the computing community to focus on what we can do to make concepts like cloud more productive for the end users.

Resch goes on to describe how government leaders are starting to move away from the mindset of just building the fastest LINPACK machines to focus on what we can do to make concepts like cloud more productive for the end users.

Read the Full Story.

In related news, ISC Cloud’s sister conference, ISC Big Data’14, is offering an Early Bird discount. Register with code pwbmt56a until September 25 to save 15 percent.