In collaboration with SC14, the WHPC Women in HPC Network is running a half day workshop on Friday, Nov. 21 2014 in New Orleans.
In 2013 several members of staff in EPCC realized that despite many initiatives in industry, academia and government to improve the representation of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics that it did not appear to be having an impact on the field of high performance computing. As a discipline that spans many traditional subjects we had expected gender representation to change as schemes such as Athena SWAN and Project Juno and groups such as BCS Women and IoP Women in Physics group started to have an impact. However, our personal experience suggested that it did not appear to be changing. In September 2013 the idea for the Women in HPC group was born. Our first step was to quantify the current situation, understand how many women are working HPC and if they aren’t, why not.
The workshop aims to address gender issues in HPC research and innovation, the challenges facing women and how gender inequality can impact efficacy of the scientific method and research quality. The workshop will include talks from female early career researchers and invited talks by world-leading women working in the field of HPC, describing the challenges facing women in HPC careers and how to improve the representation of women in supercomputing.
Registration is open to all via the SC14 website. Please register to attend the Friday morning workshop session, which can be done either with as add-on to the technical program (Tuesday to Thursday), or as a separate workshop-only pass.
Registration is now open for SC14, which takes place Nov. 16-21 in New Orleans. At insideHPC, we are proud to be a Media Partner for the conference, so check out our full coverage to date.
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