Purdue Gears Up for Student Cluster Competition

purdueGreg Kline writes that Purdue University is teaming up with Universidad EAFIT Colombia to go for the gold in the upcoming Student Cluster Competition at SC14.

I’ve found the competitions to be great learning experiences and an awesome opportunity to connect with people from the high-performance computing industry,” says Kurt Kroeger, a Purdue senior in computer science from Nashville, Tennessee. “It led to me interning in the field of distributed systems and I plan on working in that field after I graduate.”

The Purdue and Columbian team is one of twelve that will be competing against teams from Australia, China, Germany, Singapore, Taiwan and around the U.S. Purdue’s entry is the only international partnership and the only team with students from the Big Ten.

The student supercomputer is like a mini version of Purdue’s Community Cluster Program supercomputers, with the latest hardware from HP and Intel. ITaP has built six of these research supercomputers for its faculty partners since 2008. This gives Purdue the best collection of supercomputing power for use by faculty on a single campus in the U.S. Purdue researchers in dozens of disciplines all over campus — from engineering and physics to biology and pharmacy — use the community clusters to drive world-changing discoveries and innovations that can benefit the economies of Indiana and the nation.

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