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The doors will soon open, the curtains will rise – and what really #HPCMatters will shine in the floodlights of New Orleans.
It will be the applications of HPC that define this SC conference – where the life/business/world-impacting results are found. Applications are the sharp end of the mission.
But who or what lies behind application successes?
Adapting to system technology road maps, achieving performance and solving complex bugs along the way – computational scientists and developers are the heroes and visionaries who boldly rise to the challenge.
That is not about to stop. Today is all about application readiness and code modernization: development is as hot a topic as any hardware technology.
HPC centers are wising up to the challenges (or opportunities) of hybridization – and they need to: most codes are still not hybrid and will not perform in the future. Processor and accelerator trends mean that OpenMP, OpenACC, MPI all have a role going forward.
Those software challenges need deep and insightful tools – stopwatches and print statements are obsolete and lost in today’s world. Computational scientists need, and expect, interactive visual tools to handle the parallelism they face.
Answering to that need to focus on the applications and their developers drives Allinea Software.
At SC14, Allinea Software is celebrating its 10th anniversary of providing the tools that enable computational scientists, developers and HPC users to achieve their results faster.
Imagine a single tool suite to solve your software problems – to debug and profile in one common interface. Imagine using that same tool for any system, any processor, any accelerator, for MPI, for OpenSHMEM, for OpenMP, for OpenACC and their combinations. Pick up the application and debug or profile with no instrumentation steps, and it just works and works at the scale you need for the environment you want. Allinea Software brings that today with Allinea DDT and Allinea MAP working as one tool suite, and at SC14 will be delivering even more of this vision.
Even after development is complete, deploying applications is a source of potential improvement: balancing the use of threads and processes is still an important part of performance optimization – often based on experimentation – and often workload dependent. Allinea Performance Reports is helping to guide scientists faster to the answers on how to work within the constraints of today’s memory bandwidth or communication fabrics – informing runtime rather than development time decisions.
We are looking forward to the next 10 years with excitement – and invite you to join the party at our booth (#2833) as we celebrate our first 10 years – on Tuesday November 18, 2014 – 4.30pm to 6pm.
David Lecomber is the CEO of Allinea Software.