Spirent Federal Used to Test SCinet’s SC14 Multi-Technology Network

Spirent Federal Systems, a leader in network, services and devices testing for federal agencies and critical infrastructure providers, announced today that SCinet is using its high-speed Ethernet solutions to test the performance of its WAN infrastructure. SCinet, the powerful network that is providing nearly 1 Terabit per second (Tbps) of capacity for SC14, is provisioning multiple 40/100G Ethernet links during the run of the conference. Spirent Federal will be critical in helping to verify these links so that exhibitors can effectively use them for their high performance computing applications and demonstrations.

It is critical to understand the performance of high-speed Ethernet in a multi-technology environment,” said Paul To, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Spirent Communications. “Spirent continues to help advance next generation high performance computing by validating these complex networks and their underlying technologies—with realism, at high scale and at high density.”

The SCinet WAN team is using Spirent TestCenter software with Spirent two-port 100 GbE fX and two-port 40/10 GbE fX2 modules. The test also uses Spirent’s SPT-N4U chassis, which is designed to lower the cost of testing devices and networks powering the always-on data network. Spirent Federal’s solution is being used for line rate qualification and performance testing of several 40/100Gbps Ethernet links to national research and education networks.

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