STEM and HPC Innovators Foster HPC Entrepreneurship at SC14

startuphpcAt SC14 last week, the first community effort focused on STEM and HPC Entrepreneurship was launched at a conference that brought together prospective entrepreneurs with some of the industry’s most celebrated experts and practitioners. Dubbed StartupHPC, the community aims to foster entrepreneurship by providing its growing membership with advice through community discussion boards and educational services, access to world-class expertise via conferences, meet-ups, and advisory board services, and support infrastructure through member organizations.

StartupHPC’s inaugural conference features an all-star roster of speakers and panelists that includes CEOs, CTOs, Founders, senior executives, serial entrepreneurs, attorneys, marketers, journalists, and industry analysts. Sharing first hand experiences and advice will illuminate the requirements for, and the practical paths towards, the successful creation and growth of startups.

When it comes to commercialization of promising technologies, HPC punches below its weight. We can and should change that,” said Cydney Ewald Stevens, Director of StartupHPC. “A great example is web browser software, which got its start at NCSA, a supercomputing center, but the companies that took it to market were not HPC companies. But this is not just a question of mega successes. Even within HPC, more innovations can spawn new companies.”

Echoing Seymour Cray, the supercomputing world’s iconic inventor who once said, Thank heaven for start-up companies or we’d never make any progress, StartupHPC advocates a sharp increase in entrepreneurship training and support infrastructure for STEM and HPC practitioners.

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