The Cornell University Center for Advanced Computing (CAC) has announced that, as part of the NSF-funded Jetstream program, it will be responsible for developing cloud computing training for the US research community.
Jetstream, led by Indiana University’s Pervasive Technology Institute, will add cloud-based computation to the national cyberinfrastructure.
Cloud computing has been making waves in the HPC industry for some time. Last week at the Machine Evaluation Workshop, held in the UK, the convergence of HPC and the cloud was a recurring theme.
Susan Mehringer, assistant director, CAC said: ‘As an early cloud adopter and provider with Red Cloud, Cornell CAC staff will leverage their cloud computing expertise to develop and deploy on-demand Jetstream training. The first Cornell Virtual Workshop module will introduce users to Jetstream capabilities and teach them how to optimally use, create, and archive cloud services and virtual machines (VMs). Subsequent modules will focus on using remote desktops to access Jetstream, XSEDE, and systems in the eXtreme Digital (XD) programme; deploying biology and earth science applications on Jetstream; and, publishing, archiving, and curating VM images to ensure scientific reproducibility.’
Cornell have had success with virtual training schemes in the past: over 100,000 unique visitors have accessed Cornell Virtual Workshop training modules on high-performance computing topics since the learning platform was launched.
Today, CAC is delivering on-demand training and comprehensive courses for the XD program, currently the most comprehensive collection of integrated digital resources and services enabling open science research in the world. Jetstream will be part of XD.
In addition to Cornell, Indiana University partners implementing and supporting Jetstream include the Texas Advanced Computing Center, the University of Chicago, the University of Arizona, University of Texas at San Antonio, Johns Hopkins University, Pennsylvania State University, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff; University of Hawaii; the National Snow and Ice Data Center, the Odum Institute at the University of North Carolina and the National Center for Genome Analysis Support.
This story appears here as part of a cross-publishing agreement with Scientific Computing World.
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