A Livermore Perspective on Next-Generation Computing

In this video from the Nvidia booth at SC14, Terri Quinn from LLNL presents: A Livermore Perspective on Next-Generation Computing.

Terri is responsible for an organization consisting of three divisions with over 400 technical staff working in high-performance computing, computer security, and enterprise computing. Livermore Computing (LC), LLNL’s high performance computing organization, operates some of the most advanced production classified and unclassified computing environments. Within LC’s five computing facilities are housed over 27 Petaflops of computing resources serving 2,900 users both on-site and off-site. She represents LLNL on DOE’s Exascale Executive team, a collaboration of seven labs working to define and promote a joint NNSA/SC Exascale program for DOE, and she is on the Board of OpenSFS, Open Scalable File Systems, Inc. OpenSFS is a non-profit company dedicated to supporting high-end open-source file systems.

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