It’s an exciting time in the high performance computing community. The combination of HPC and cloud are here and the capabilities are truly evolving. Harnessing the necessary high performance compute power to drive modern biomedical research is a formidable and familiar challenge throughout the life sciences. Modern research-enabling technologies – Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), for example – generate huge datasets that must be processed. Key applications such as genome assembly, genome annotation and molecular modeling can be data-intensive, compute intensive, or both. Underlying high performance computing (HPC) infrastructures must evolve rapidly to keep pace with innovation. And not least, cost pressures constrain both large and small organizations alike.
In such a demanding and dynamic HPC environment, Cloud Computing technologies, whether deployed as a private cloud or in conjunction with a public cloud, represent a powerful approach to managing technical computing resources. In this whitepaper from IBM – you’ll learn how breaking down internal compute silos, by masking underlying HPC complexity to the scientist-clinician researcher user community, and by providing transparency and control to IT managers, cloud computing strategies and tools help organizations of all sizes effectively manage their HPC assets and growing compute workloads that consume them.
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The IBM Platform Computing portfolio has been driving the evolution of distributed computing and the HPC Cloud for over 20 years. Ground-breaking products such as IBM Platform LSF were among the first to enable companies to manage distributed environments from modest clusters to massive compute farms with tens of thousands of processers handling thousands of jobs.
At the heart of all shared technical computing is robust middleware that is positioned between the collection of applications and the diverse IT resources, to handle workload scheduling and resource orchestration.
- IBM Platform Computing products fulfill this critical role, providing powerful solutions for batch-mode computing, service-oriented architectures (SOA), and innovative MapReduce approaches now being widely adopted in life science.
Here’s the important takeaway: There is not a one-size-fits-all HPC infrastructure. Company size, HPC workload (e.g. batch or SOA), and user community requirements all influence the nature of underlying IT architectures. IBM Platform Computing offers a comprehensive range of systems management solutions for distributed HPC environments.
Download this whitepaper to learn how All IBM Platform Computing solutions offer highly flexible policy-based scheduling models to ensure the right job prioritization and resource allocations are executed on a continuously updated basis. Diverse resources are shared fluidly, bringing utilization closer to 100 percent, which can translate to reduced time to results, higher service levels and less labor required to manage IT – and reduced infrastructure costs for your organization.
Technical computing has undergone a steady evolution encompassing servers, clusters, complicated grids, and now clouds. In the world of scientific computing, the Cloud is the next evolutionary step and it promises to help companies achieve major operational and strategic objectives.
You can download this white paper now from the insideHPC White Paper Library.