It’s me again–Dr. Lewey Anton. I’ve been commissioned by insideHPC to get the scoop on who’s jumping ship and moving on up in high performance computing. Here are the latest developments:
- Nicole Hemsoth has left her long-time gig as Editorial Director at Tabor Communications and HPCWire. The press release says she is pursuing other opportunities.
- Jeff Layton has left Intel to become a Principal Architect at AWS.
- Timothy Prickett-Morgan is no longer Editor-in-Chief of EnterpriseTech, which is another Tabor Communications publication.
- Sarp Oral from Oak Ridge National Laboratory has joined the OpenSFS Board of Directors.
- Galen Shipman has left ORNL for Los Alamos National Lab. He has also reportedly resigned as Chairman of the Board at OpenSFS, which is logical since Los Alamos doesn’t do Lustre.
Have you moved or know of HPC folks in new positions? Let us know by sending an email to:
this is interesting. Hearing a number of ‘rumors” around two of these moves.
What rumors about which two?
I’m hearing that I’m getting a new competitor real soon now.
You have no competition Rich. 🙂
Rich…you may be right…but I wouldn’t worry so much now