It’s me again–Dr. Lewey Anton. I’ve been commissioned by insideHPC to get the scoop on who’s jumping ship and moving on up in high performance computing.
Here are the latest developments:
- Peter Faulhaber has been elected to serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Active Archive Alliance. Faulhaber has served on the Board of Directors since Fujifilm joined the organization in 2011.
- Roger Goff is now an HPC Systems Engineer at DataDirect Networks. You may remember him from past gigs at Dell and Sun Microsystems.
Dr. Richard Juday has joined the UK based supercomputing startup, Optalysys Ltd, as a technical advisor. Dr. Juday. Most recently, Dr. Juday was the head of the Hybrid Vision Laboratory at NASA where he oversaw image processing and pattern recognition using digital computations and coherent optics encoding and filtering. According to Optalysys, the company is “days away from launching a prototype optical processor with the potential to realize Exascale levels of processing power on a desktop sized computer at a fraction of the energy consumption and cost of conventional supercomputers and HPC technology.”
- Anton Korzh has resigned as Head of the Research Lab at T-Platforms for a new job as a System Architect at Micron Technologies.
Frank Würthwein, a UC San Diego Physicist has joined SDSC. Würthwein, who joined UC San Diego as a physics professor in 2003, was recently named executive director of the Open Science Grid (OSG) project, a multi-disciplinary research partnership funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation. He was OSG’s founding executive during 2005. His appointment to SDSC is effective this month. Würthwein is no stranger to processing extremely large data sets. In 2013, he and his team used SDSC’s data-intensive Gordon supercomputer to provide auxiliary computing capacity to OSG by processing massive data sets generated by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS), one of two large general-purpose particle detectors at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) near CERN, Switzerland.
Have you moved or know of HPC folks in new positions? Let us know by sending an email to:
Hi folks,
Thanks for the mention but my departure from Seagate is inaccurate. I updated my job details in LinkedIn last week and through an unfortunate autocorrect mishap, Seagate ended up “Seni” — which isn’t actually a real company 🙂