Megware in Germany Celebrates 25 Years of Computing

Today MEGWARE in Germany announced that the company will celebrate its 25th anniversary in February. And while the company is now known for its HPC know-how, it’s humble beginnings actually go back to a garage-based business that got it’s start a few months after the fall of the Berlin wall.

At the time, the company vehicle was a Wartburg that they used to deliver their first computers to local, Saxon customers. After the call of Communism, the large backlog of IT technology in the new federal states made for a very good market in retail banking.

MEGWARE Opened in 1991, the first computer shop on Mill Street in Chemnitz. Soon 34 stores followed in Central Germany. At its peak, MEGWARE had more than 200 employees and revenues of over 300 million DM. Through the 1990’s, the company focused its resources on IT server business for research, teaching and industry.

At the turn of the millennium, the Technical University of Chemnitz acquired a MEGWARE HPC cluster with over 500 nodes. The first MEGWARE cluster went straight to number 126 in the TOP500 and had a computing power of a total of 143.3 gigaflops, which 25 years later, corresponds to a single server today.

To date, MEGWARE has supplied and installed about 1000 high-performance computers to research institutes, universities and industrial and commercial customers throughout Europe. Currently with three systems installed under the world’s 500 fastest computers MEGWARE is a leader in Germany.

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