Job of the Week: HPC Systems Engineer at Radley James

9752687f-85f6-4dab-969e-489f5252864cRadley James in New York is seeking HPC Software and Systems Engineers in our Job of the Week.

Become part of an elite team using Computational Sciences to produce new drugs and combat serious decease around the World. Do something more fulfilling in life other than just making money, join the cause. Our client is searching for individual with an extraordinary and unique record of intellectual and professional achievements, in order to join a remarkable and ‘one of a kind’ software engineering teams within an ambitious, well-funded high-performance computing and research laboratory. The client is pursuing long-term objectives and goals aimed at achieving major scientific advances. The successful candidate will have multiple responsibilities and challenges, all of which cutting edge and highly rewarding. Among the group’s current research activities is the development of new software and algorithms for molecular dynamics simulation and data analysis both on commodity clusters and on a bespoke supercomputer, which is a massively parallel special-purpose supercomputer of the group’s own design. This is an ambitious, long-term project aimed at achieving major scientific advances in the field of biochemistry and fundamentally transforming the process of drug discovery. The successful candidates should have a demonstrated track record of exemplary and elite academic, industrial, and/or open-source accomplishments. Particularly relevant areas of expertise might include C/C++ and/or Python programming, parallel computing on high-performance computing systems employing multi-core or special-purpose architectures, numerical analysis, large-scale data management and analysis, visualization, systems software, computational biology, or molecular dynamics, but specific knowledge of any of these areas is less critical than exceptional intellectual ability. The clients work has received numerous high-profile awards in the past several years at major high-performance and supercomputing conferences. Science magazine has also highlighted the group as one of the top ten breakthroughs of recent times, and their scientific research has been published in Nature, Science, and Cell, as well as more specialized journals. We are able to relocate from anywhere in the World, but you must be willing to relocate to New York, be ‘exceptionally’ talented and have the desire needed to change the World.

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