The Register to Launch “The Platform” with News on Hyperscale

platform_logo_for_koenadaThis week The Register announced a new spin-off publication called The Platform. Headed up by former editors of HPCwire and EnterpriseTech, The Platform aims to provide in-depth coverage of the hyperscale side of datacenters.

Timothy Prickett-Morgan

Timothy Prickett-Morgan

We believe it is time to create a single publication that brings several different parts of the high-end of the IT market together to reflect the increasing convergence of systems and interdependence of workloads that are being brought to bear to solve tough IT problems,” explains Timothy Prickett Morgan, co-editor of The Platform. “We also want to get back to the idea that depth and insight matter. It takes more than soundbites to make sound decisions.”

The Platform will cover the key elements of the modern system, from processors, main memory, storage, and networking up through operating systems, middleware, and other key systems software such as databases and data stores, systems management tools, as well as cluster and cloud controllers. It will look at the myriad clustering technologies, from hyperconverged systems for virtualized enterprise workloads, to shared memory NUMA machines, all the way up to the core supercomputing systems powering top-tier research and enterprise organizations.

Nicole Hemsoth

Nicole Hemsoth

According to co-editor Nicole Hemsoth: “All told, there are a few tens of millions of programmers, administrators, architects, and managers in the IT world, and probably somewhere on the order of a third of them work at hyperscale, HPC, and high-end enterprise shops as defined above. That is the broadest definition of our intended audience – and it is one that we know well.”

The Platform went ahead and issued a press release saying that they plan to launch their site real soon now. At insideHPC, we look forward to sharing in-depth stories from The Platform with our readers

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  1. When did Nicole go red!?!?! Is this part of the new contract with the Register?