UberCloud Community and Marketplace for Technical Computing

In this video from the Stanford HPC Conference, Burak Yenier from UberCloud presents: UberCloud Community and Marketplace for Technical Computing.

UberCloud Community brings together over 3,000 participants to pave the way for the Technical Computing Cloud. UberCloud Experiment teams explore the end-to-end process of accessing remote computing resources in HPC centers and in the Cloud to study and overcome the potential roadblocks for industry applications such as CAE, Bio and Life Sciences. Participation in the UberCloud Experiment is free of charge for end-users, resource, software and expertise providers. UberCloud Marketplace is a one stop shop for technical computing users. Some examples of available services are: compute resources on Ohio Supercomputer Center and full version of ANSYS Mechanical with required licenses included.

Download the Slides (PDF) * See more talks in the Stanford HPC Conference Video Gallery

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