In this video from the Stanford HPC Conference, Joris Poort from Rescale presents: Utilizing Cloud HPC Resources for CAE Simulations.
Industry research indicates that both the general HPC market and cloud HPC are continuing to grow to meet engineering and science demand. As cloud resources increase, users should be cognizant of the HPC platforms available in the cloud. Scalable and customizable resources are readily available, however, security, ease of use, and full integration of simulation software are important factors to consider when choosing to run analyses remotely. Cloud resources designed for engineering and science CAE simulations allow users to leverage high performance computing to fully explore the design space and develop innovative products. In this presentation, Joris will discuss the cloud HPC market trends, CAE simulations using cloud HPC, cloud software integration for CAE use, security around HPC cloud environments, data management and collaboration.”
Download the Slides (PDF) * See more talks in the Stanford HPC Conference Video Gallery.