Today ANSYS and Intel announced a collaboration to speed structural code on Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors.
The ANSYS and Intel partnership ensures that simulation engineers performing structural analysis can expect seamless high-performance computing (HPC) operations with multi-core Xeon E5 v3 processors and many-core Xeon Phi coprocessors. The result is the ability to run multiple, incredibly large simulations rapidly — which is becoming standard when developing today’s innovative products.
ANSYS 16.0 provides the accuracy, efficiency and robustness required for engineers to generate proven designs as quickly as possible,” said Wim Slagter, lead product manager for HPC, at ANSYS. “We’ve worked in tandem with Intel to optimize ANSYS software for the architectural changes in the new processor generation, so customers can leverage HPC technology to incorporate more-complex models, whether using finer meshes or investigating nonlinear behavior.”
Because simulation times can be reduced with Xeon processors and coprocessors, engineering departments can run more simulations in a given period of time — offering the ability to look into more design variables for developing better and higher-quality products without affecting time to market.
ANSYS is the first commercial engineering simulation software provider supporting Xeon Phi technology. ANSYS 16.0’s structural mechanics suite supports Xeon Phi with shared-memory and distributed-memory parallelism for both the Linux and Windows platforms. Virtually all ANSYS users — including those who have access to clusters in which each compute node contains one or more coprocessors — can accelerate structural mechanics simulations using Xeon Phi coprocessors. For example, upgrading from the previous generation Xeon processor and adding one Xeon Phi coprocessor results in a decreased time to solution by a factor of 3.1 for ANSYS Mechanical simulations.
Dramatic performance increases can transform entire engineering workflows,” said Frank Soqui, general manager, Technical Compute Cloud and Client at Intel Corporation. “The collaboration between Intel and ANSYS has delivered just that, tremendous new performance levels, without altering the end-user experience or complicating the IT environment for great price/performance results. We’re excited to see ANSYS continuing its leadership in delivering structural analysis capabilities to market, addressing the technical compute needs of Windows users with Intel Xeon processors and Xeon Phi coprocessors.”
Thanks for sharing this with your readers. With the previous release ANSYS 15.0 we were already honored to support Xeon Phi coprocessors with shared-memory parallelism on Linux platforms (as the first commercial CAE ISV). With the current release 16.0 we are very pleased to have extended this to distributed memory parallelism for both the Linux and Windows platforms.