Today Dr. David A. Horner was named director of the Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center in Vicksburg. Horner assumed his new duties Jan. 12, taking over for John West, who has accepted a position with the TACC in Austin, Texas.
The HPCMP provides the supercomputing capabilities, high-speed network communications and computational science expertise that enable DOD scientists and engineers to conduct a wide-range of focused research, development and test activities.
Horner previously served as lead technical director for ERDC’s Military Engineering Program, where he was promoted to Senior Scientific Technical Manager. In this capacity, he was responsible for research and development activities in force protection, weapons effects and maneuver support, among others. Horner’s duties included integrating these activities across all ERDC functional to solve issues of concern to the Army and DOD.
Prior to his Military Engineering duties, Horner served as chief of ERDC’s Mobility Systems Branch, under the auspices of the Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory. In this capacity, he led a technical team of engineers, scientists and technicians in the development of basic and applied vehicle mobility research, including the development of advanced physical testing and physics-based modeling of vehicle-terrain interactions.
He is the recipient of numerous professional awards including the Bronze Order of the de Fleury Medal, the Army Research and Development Achievement Award for Technical Excellence, the Society of American Military Engineer’s Wheeler Medal, and the Gold Medal from the High Performance Computing Challenge in Supercomputing.
Horner received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Oklahoma State University, followed by a doctorate from the University of Michigan, all in civil engineering.