The SC15 conference is now now accepting nominations for the Seymour Cray, Sidney Fernbach, and Ken Kennedy Awards.
Each year, SC showcases not only the best and brightest stars of high performance computing, but also its rising stars and those who have made a lasting impression. Some of the most prestigious awards given at SC are the Seymour Cray, Sidney Fernbach, and Ken Kennedy Awards that honor the memory of three greats in high performance computing. Each award winner will give a presentation on their work.
- IEEE Computer Society Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award. A crystal memento, illuminated certificate, and $10,000 honorarium are awarded to recognize innovative contributions to high performance computing systems that best exemplify the creative spirit demonstrated by Seymour Cray.
- IEEE Computer Society Sidney Fernbach Award. With this honor, a certificate and $2,000 are awarded for outstanding contributions in the application of high performance computers using innovative approaches.
- ACM/IEEE-CS Ken Kennedy Award. With this honor, a certificate and $5,000 honorarium are awarded jointly by the ACM and the IEEE Computer Society for outstanding contributions to programmability or productivity in high-performance computing together with significant community service or mentoring contributions.
Nominations are due July 1, 2015.