In this video from the 2015 HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Conference, Sadaf Alam from CSCS presents: Dimensioning Data Centre Resiliency.
The Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) offers a range of computing and storage services to Swiss and international research communities. These services are provisioned by an array of solutions including leading edge Cray XC40 and hybrid XC30 systems, commodity clusters, files systems such as Lustre and site-wide GPFS storage as well as centre-wide Ethernet and InfiniBand networks. Over the years, the complexities and dependencies of interconnected environment has grown alongside rapid growth in the high performance compute and storage capabilities. Consequently new challenges for maintaining a robust operating environment for our users and customers have been emerging, which need to be addressed with a holistic approach. In this talk, I will share a perspective on data centre resiliency along three dimensions: users, operational staff and stake holders.
Download the Slides (PDF) * See more talks in the HPCAC Switzerland Conference Video Gallery.