Got Something to Say? Here is our new Voicemail Box: (503) 852-1843. Send us your questions, comments, and ideas and we’ll put you on the show.
Got Something to Say? Here is our new Voicemail Box: (503) 852-1843. Send us your questions, comments, and ideas and we’ll put you on the show.
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[SPONSORED GUEST ARTICLE] QCT – a.k.a. Quanta Cloud Technology – is a bigger player in the data center server business than some might think. The Taiwan-based company, a long-term partner of Intel’s, reports that it produces one in every seven ….
The National Center of Meteorology (NCM) provides high-quality weather and climate services to public and private organizations. It delivers earlier, more precise warnings of severe weather events with a Lenovo supercomputer based on ThinkSystem servers—all powered by 3rd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, helping to protect people and property from harm. According to Mohammed Al-Amri, […]