Podcast: Cray’s Steve Scott on Programming for the Next Decade

Steve Scott

Steve Scott

In this podcast from the 2015 NCSA Blue Waters Symposium, Cray CTO Steve Scott discusses how the Blue Waters supercomputer drives scientific discovery. He then describes the next decade of supercomputing from his perspectives as a systems architect.

Abstract: Our computing systems continue to evolve, providing significant challenges to the programming teams managing large, long-lived projects.  Issues include rapidly increasing on-node parallelism, varying forms of heterogeneity, deepening memory hierarchies, growing concerns around resiliency and silent data corruption, and worsening storage bottlenecks. “Big Data” and cloud computing also show signs of impacting the traditional HPC market. In this talk, I’ll illustrate the role that technology plays on system design, explore the emerging architectural landscape, and discuss some implications and challenges for programmers targeting future architectures.

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