Slidecast: UCX – Unified Communication X Framework

In this slidecast, Pavel Shamis from ORNL and Gilad Shainer from Mellanox announce the UCX Unified Communication X Framework.

UCX is a collaboration between industry, laboratories, and academia to create an open-source production grade communication framework for data centric and HPC applications.

The UCX project is based on the following contributions:

  • Mellanox co-designs network interface and contributed the MXM technology
  • Infrastructure, UD, RC, DCT, shared memory, protocols, integration with OpenMPI/SHMEM, and MPICH
  • ORNL co-designs network contributed the UCCS project
  • IB optimizations, Cray devices, shared memory
  • NVIDIA co-designs high-quality support for GPU devices
  • GPU-Direct, GDR copy, etc.
  • IBM co-designs network interface and contributed ideas and concepts from PAMI
  • UH/UTK focus on integration with their research platforms

If all goes to plan, UCX will be integrated with major MPI distributions, OpenSHMEM, PGAS languages, etc.

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