Thinkmate Offers Free Xeon Phis with Your Server

hpcfever2We don’t normally report on pricing, but a free Intel Xeon Phi from ThinkMate sure sounds like a great deal.

Now through June, Thinkmate is installing Intel Xeon Phi 5110P Coprocessors (a $2,500 value each) for Free with any compatible server.

We have run some pretty good deals in our 25+ years in business, but none really matches this one. For a limited time, we’re installing as many Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessors as the server you’re buying supports, for free. Let us repeat: As many as the server supports! For example: Our GPXi XT24 Series model has support for 8 coprocessors. You get 8 of them! Regularly, each coprocessor costs $2,500. That’s a whopping $20,000 worth of hardware.

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