Ancillary Events Line up for ISC 2015 in Frankfurt

ISC-EventWith ISC 2015 coming up in July, a number of ancillary events have been scheduled in Frankfurt to take advantage of this annual gathering of over 2500 supercomputing professionals.

Events in chronological order:

  • HP-CAST will take place in Frankfurt on July 10-11 at the Marriott. HP-CAST is an organization of HP customers and partners who provide input to HP to increase the capabilities of HP solutions for large-scale, scientific and technical computing.
  • Mellanox InfiniBand Experts Day takes place on Sunday, July 12 from 9:00am – 4:15pm. The session includes talks on EDR, InfiniBand Roadmap, and Best Practices for InfiniBand based Clusters Monitoring & Diagnosing.
  • Special Press Briefing. ORNL, Mellanox, IBM, & Nvidia are planning a special press briefing on Monday, July 13 at 7:00-7:30pm. The announcement will take place in BoF area of the exhibit hall in booth #220.
  • IDC Breakfast Briefing will take place on Tuesday, July 14 at 8:30am in the Panorama 3 room at the Frankfurt Messe.
  • Intel Lustre Update will take place Tuesday, July 14 at 1o:30am in the Flint room at the Frankfurt Marriott. Join the Team from Intel’s High Performance Data Division as we talk about where we have been and where we are going, together. You will hear from our General Manager, Brent Gorda on the state of Lustre in the community. Gabriele Paciucci will give an overview of the Intel Lustre roadmap and where we are focusing our resources to deliver new Lustre capabilities. You will also hear from Eric Barton, Chief Lustre Architect, on the future of file systems, the emergence of DAOS, and how the leap to Exascale will shape Intel efforts.
  • DDN User Group will be held on Tuesday, July 14 from 12:30 – 3:00 at the Kontrast Room at the Frankfurt Messe.
  • Intel Special Session: Entitled (HPC && Big Data) vs. (HPC || Big Data), the Intel special session takes place on Tuesday, July 14 at 6:15 pm – 6:35 pm in the Panorama 2 room. In this presentation, Raj Hazra will explore how new innovations and Intel’s HPC scalable system framework approach can maximize the potential in this new HPC era. Raj will also share details of upcoming Intel technologies, products and ecosystem collaborations that are powering these breakthroughs and ensuring technical computing continues to fulfill its potential as a scientific and industrial tool for discovery and innovation.
  • Lustre BoF. EOFS and OpenSFS will host a Birds of Feather session on Challenges & Opportunities for Lustre File System within HPC & Big Data on Wednesday, July 15, at 4:15pm in Booth #210.
  • WHPC. The Women in HPC network is running a half day workshop on Thursday, July 16. “Building on the success of the first international workshop for Women in HPC at Supercomputing 2014 in New Orleans our workshop at ISC will bring together female early career researchers with a focus on European participation, providing them with the opportunity to showcase their work and network with role-models and peers in an environment designed to reduce the stereotype of men dominating the field of HPC.+

If your organization is planning a special event in Frankfurt, please let us know at and we will list it here.

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