HPC People on the Move: June Edition

Dr. Lewey Anton

Lewey Anton

It’s me again–Dr. Lewey Anton. I’ve been commissioned by insideHPC to get the scoop on who’s jumping ship and moving on up in high performance computing.

Here are the latest developments:

  • Nicolas Dube, HP

    Nicolas Dube, HP

    Nicolas Dube is now Chief Strategist for HPC at Hewlett-Packard. Formerly with Sun Microsystems, Dube was one of the architects for the innovative HP Apollo liquid-cooling platform. You can check out his ISC’14 video of how it works.

  • Mark Taylor, Sandia

    Mark Taylor, Sandia

    Mark Taylor from Sandia has received the U.S. Department of Energy 2014 Secretary’s Honor Award — the department’s highest non-monetary employee recognition. Taylor was recognized for his work as chief computational scientist for DOE’s Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy (ACME) executive council team.

  • Ed Turkel

    Ed Turkel

    Ed Turkel has retired from HP. As Group Manager for the company’s World Wide HPC Business Development team, Ed has almost 35 years experience in high performance computing, including 30 years with HP, in various technical, marketing and business roles.

  • Dr. Eugene L. Tu

    Dr. Eugene L. Tu

    Dr. Eugene L. Tu has been named the next director of the agency’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, effective immediately. Tu most recently served as the director of Exploration Technology at Ames, where he led four technology research and development divisions, including two of NASA’s critical infrastructure assets: the consolidated arc jet testing complex and the agency’s primary supercomputing facility. He has held research and managerial positions at the center in computational aerodynamics, information technology, and high performance computing and communications.

  • Dr. Stephen Wheat

    Dr. Stephen Wheat

    Dr. Stephen Wheat has left his long-time gig at Intel’s GM of HPC for a new position at HP in Houston. Dr. Wheat is a 1994 Gordon Bell prize winner and has been awarded Intel’s prestigious Achievement Award. He has a patent in Dynamic Load Balancing in HPC systems. Dr. Wheat holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science and has several publications on the subjects of load balancing, inter-process communication, and parallel I/O in large-scale HPC systems.

Have you moved or know of HPC folks in new positions? Let us know by sending an email to: lewey@insidehpc.com.

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