Call For Papers: Workshop on Accelerator Programming using Directives

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openaccThe Second Workshop on Accelerator Programming using Directives (WACCPD) has issued its Call for Papers. Co-located with SC15, the workshop takes place November 16 in Austin.

Directive based programming models offer scientific applications a path onto HPC platforms without undue loss of portability or programmer productivity. Using directives, application developers can port their codes to the accelerators incrementally while minimizing code changes. Challenges remain because the directives models need to support a rapidly evolving array of hardware with diverse memory subsystems, which may or may not be unitied. The programming model will need to adapt to such developments, make improvements to raise its performance portability that will make accelerators as first-class systems for HPC. Such improvements are being continuously discussed with the standards committees such as OpenMP and OpenACC. This workshop airs to capture the assessment of the improved feature set, their implementation and experiences with their deployment in HPC applications. The workshop aims at bringing together the user and tools community to share their knowledge and experiences of using directives to program accelerators.

Submissions are due Aug. 22.

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