David Keyes and Jen Frechet on how Shaheen II Supercomputer will Drive Research

In this video, Professors Jean Frechet and David Keyes describe their vision for KAUST’s new Shaheen II Cray XC40 supercomputer.

​The initial configuration of Shaheen II will feature nearly 200,000 x86 processor cores. At initial delivery, anticipated in March 2015, Shaheen II will deliver over 5 petaflops of peak performance, with 17.6 petabytes of Sonexion Lustre storage and greater than 790 terabytes of memory. A DataWarp burst buffer will be added in fall 2015, and will provide over 1 terabyte/second of bandwidth. KAUST has an option for an upgrade in approximately two years to add next-generation manycore/multicore processors or accelerators.

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