Interview: Hot Interconnects Conference Returns to Santa Clara Aug 26-28

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hotiThe Hot Interconnects Conference is around the corner. It’s less than one month to the early registration and it’s impressive technical program is in place. To learn more, we caught up with general chair Fabrizio Petrini and the program co-chairs Ada Gavrilovska and Ryan Grant to learn more about the event.

insideHPC: What are this year’s highlights in the technical program?

Hot Interconnects: This year’s program has two great keynotes on the current state of the art in networking as well as some very interesting ideas looking into the future. We have two of the first papers on new networking architectures, Intel’s Omni-Path architecture and Bull’s BXI Interconnect. Both are brand new exciting interconnects that have their publication debuts happening at Hot Interconnects. A great highlight will be our panel discussion, which will be a lively, contentious debate between leaders from the HPC and Data Center networking worlds on what each other can learn from the other. We will also have invited talks from leaders in industry focusing on deep technical subjects such as NFV and optical networks, as well as a short paper presentation on the latest libfabric (OFI) efforts from the OpenFabrics Alliance Interfaces working group.

insideHPC: What changed from last year?

Hot Interconnects: This year we have a specific focus on the latest advances in different areas of networks, showcasing some of the latest and greatest next generation networking hardware. Our focus on Data Center vs. HPC networks will allow for an exchange that will benefit both communities. Our location and host have changed, and we’re looking forward to showing everyone a great time at the beautiful historic Oracle Agnews campus.

insideHPC: Data Center vs. HPC networks? Why this focus?

Hot Interconnects: Looking at the traditional HPC-focused vs. DC-focused venues, you’ll notice increasing overlap in ideas and problems — data center networks are beginning to pay attention to every cycle of performance using similar techniques that have been used in HPC for decades, and HPC systems are becoming concerned with finding efficient solutions for managed and flexible fabrics, even looking at applying SDN technologies to exascale platforms. We hope that this year’s program overall, and panel in particular, will help create greater dialog and identify opportunities to better leverage the “best-in-class” solutions that are being pursued by the two communities.

insideHPC: Who are typical attendees of Hot Interconnects? Who can attendees network with?

Hot Interconnects: Attendees of Hot Interconnects come from many different backgrounds, industry insiders, industrial research labs and academic thought leaders. Prior attendees have included leaders and founders of some of the largest and most successful worldwide technology companies as well as some of the most respected technical leaders and inventors in the area of networks. We also host some of the best and brightest young minds in networking today, so everyone will have a great opportunity to network and meet both experienced and upcoming, talented networking experts.

insideHPC: Why do you think our readers should attend?

Hot Interconnects: You will be able to hear talks on the future technologies that will make up the leading edge of network technologies from around the world. Talks from academia will emphasize fascinating new ideas that may take hold in several years. Hot Interconnects is the perfect venue to stay ahead of the crowd on the latest and greatest advances in interconnect technology! Hot Interconnects takes place immediately after our sister conference, Hot Chips, allowing you to take advantage of a full week of presentations on the state of the art in both networking and processor technologies.

insideHPC: How can I attend?

Hot Interconnects: Register online and join us in the Bay area at Oracle’s beautiful Agnews campus!

You should check out as soon as possible! The conference will take place from August 26-28 (right after Hot Chips) in Santa Clara, CA. You can save with Early Bird Rates if you register by July 31st! But even after that, late and on-site registration will be available for late deciders. The full program is now available. See you all in Santa Clara!

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