A Tribute to the Very First SC Attendees

SC15ColorSoftShadowWe should all be thankful for the Perennials that keep coming back, year after year. That’s the sentiment over at the SC15 Blog, which pays tribute to 18 hearty souls that have attended all 27 of the Supercomputing conferences since they began in 1988.

The SC Perennials have seen a lot of change over the years and their contributions, past and present have helped the SC conference in many ways – from program responsibilities to committee roles to evangelizing the importance of HPC.  Their roles in the community and their years of volunteer service on various conference committees is noteworthy.  Some of the names on this list need no introduction – you will recognize them as HPC community legends. That first event, SC88, which featured a keynote from Seymour Cray, had 1,495 attendees, 36 exhibitors and used a small hotel ballroom for the exhibit hall. This year, at SC15, we anticipate more than 10,000 attendees, more than 350 exhibitors, and we’ll be occupying more than 140,000 sq. ft. of exhibit hall space.

SC Perennials (listed in alphabetical order)

  • Mike Bernhardt / Intel
  • Bill Boas / System Fabric Works
  • Vito Bongiorno / Cray Inc.
  • Jim Bottum / Clemson Univ. / Internet2
  • Maxine Brown / Univ. of Illinois at Chicago
  • Jack Dongarra / Univ. of Tennessee and ORNL
  • John L. Gustafson
  • Fred Johnson
  • Anne Marie Kelly / IEEE Computer Society
  • John M. Levesque / Cray Inc.
  • Allen D. Malony / Univ. of Oregon
  • Kenichi Miura / NII / LBNL
  • Steve Poole
  • Ralph Roskies / Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
  • Horst Simon / LBNL
  • Burton Smith
  • Quentin F. Stout / Univ. of Michigan
  • Steve Wallach

Registration is now open for SC15, which Nov. 15-20 takes place in Austin, Texas.